Over 20+ Years Of Experience / No Fees Unless We Win / Free Consultations

Legal Help For Elder Abuse Victims

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Over 20+ Years Of Experience / No Fees Unless We Win / Free Consultations

Legal Help For Elder Abuse Victims

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Riverside Elder Abuse Lawyer

Has your relative been the victim of abuse or neglect?

Connect with Attorney Joel Bryant. If a loved one over 65 years of age has been the victim of abuse or neglect while under the care of a nursing home or care facility, it is crucial that you move forward with legal action. Elderly persons are often in frail health and need a level of medical and personal care that cannot be provided at home. We trust the nursing home to care for and treat our loved one – not to inflict harm or abuse.

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Your family should be vigilant in watching over your loved one and the level of care he or she is actually receiving at a nursing home.

Our legal team can assist you in filing a claim or lawsuit if your loved one was abused or neglected, and will hold the negligent parties accountable for substandard care, medical negligence or abuse.

As our legal team provides representation on a contingency fee basis, you will pay no legal fees unless we win. You will get the highest quality legal representation and you will not have to pay out-of-pocket.

Abuse or neglect of an elderly person is a significant
threat to health and life. It is important to be alert to the
signs of elder abuse.

The California DOJ, Office of the Attorney General, estimates that the state’s elderly population 85 years or older will almost double by the year 2030. That year, the majority of the baby boomer generation will have reached 85. The agency also reports that only one-fifth of the nursing homes in the state have met the mandated staffing requirements for these facilities. California nursing homes are twice as likely to place their residents in restraints – a very serious issue for those of us who have loved one in a Riverside nursing home. A state agency called the “Facilities Enforcement Team” is investigating nursing homes who are not providing adequate medical care, who fail to attend to matters of hygiene correctly, have falsified patient charts, are understaffed, or where residents suffer from dehydration and malnutrition.

injury or death in a riverside nursing home

the right to justice & compensation

An elderly person who has been neglected or abused has a right to seek restitution, and families who have lost a loved one due to negligence can pursue legal action to recover compensatory damages by filing a wrongful death claim. Each case is unique, and your first step is to contact our firm for a free case evaluation. Our team can assist you immediately with all of your questions and concerns.

Our elderly relatives are placed in a nursing home or care facility so they can be cared for by professionals, and should be under strict medical supervision with regard to medications, nutrition and hygiene. It is a terrible shock when you discover that your loved one has been the victim of abuse in the facility you trusted. Unfortunately, the statistics on elder abuse in nursing homes indicate widespread abuse, and three out of four nursing homes nationwide have been the subject of scrutiny for violations.

If your loved one has been the victim of financial abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, malnutrition, has fallen and been injured, is suffering from bed sores or is exhibiting the symptoms of any type of elder abuse, contact our firm immediately. With over 20 years in practice in elder abuse law, Mr. Bryant is a powerful advocate for elderly victims and has an extensive record of successful settlement and verdicts. We are ready to speak with you at once to discuss your case. The safety and health of your loved one is at stake, and it is imperative that you connect with our firm at once in cases of elder abuse.

nursing homes operate for profit

These profits can become the focus of a nursing home, taking undue precedence over the health and safety of its residents. The quality of care from untrained staff could be so poor that a resident suffers a severe injury or dies due to negligent care. Many facilities are understaffed, and pay their workers poorly, with little time or effort spent on training. When profits are given more importance than the quality of care, those under care are in serious danger.

abuse can take on many forms

The abuse can take on many forms, and may involve physical abuse such as slapping, punching or kicking, the overuse of restraints, and other similar types of physical abuse. Some residents have been subjected to sexual abuse. An elderly relative may be unable or unwilling to communicate about this hideous criminal act. Financial abuse is another serious concern. A caregiver may be siphoning cash out of bank accounts, transferring property that was intended for relatives into his or her own name, using credit cards of the patient, taking valuable pieces of jewelry, or engaging in other forms of financial impropriety.

Attorney Joel Bryant is a powerful advocate for the elderly who have been subjected to any form of abuse or neglect. Contact our firm today for representation in a nursing home abuse case in Riverside.