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Bedsores / Decubitus Ulcers

Elder Abuse and Nursing Home Abuse in Riverside: Bedsores (Decubitus Ulcers)

When an elderly relative is not properly cared for in a nursing home, he or she can develop bedsores. These sores result from a lack of blood flow to one area of the body due to long term, continued pressure.

Areas of the body that come into contact with the bed, such as hips, back and heels are the most common location of bedsores. The bedsores could begin as a minor problem with a reddening of the skin, but if the condition is not treated correctly and resolved, a patient’s health can deteriorate rapidly.

Decubitus Ulcers in Nursing Homes: A Sign of Neglect

In the worst cases, bedsores become deep wounds that are so severe that muscle or bone is then exposed and is very susceptible to dangerous infections, or could even lead to an amputation. Many elderly persons cannot survive such an extreme surgery and the final tragic outcome could be death.

Nursing home residents are often in very poor health or suffer some level of incapacitation, unable to move without help. If left in one position too long, bedsores will develop. It is part of a nursing home’s duty of care to ensure that residents that cannot move independently are frequently moved into different positions so that these sores do not develop. If your relative has been under the care of a nursing home or long term care facility and now has bedsores, he or she may be suffering the terrible physical consequences of nursing home neglect. Connect with Attorney Joel Bryant at once for assistance if your relative has developed bedsores while in a nursing home.

There are various situations in a nursing home that could make bedsores more likely to occur. An elderly person who is malnourished or suffering from dehydration can be more likely to develop these pressure sores, due to the bones being closer to the surface of the body. Residents that are left in unhygienic, soiled diapers with moisture left on the skin can be more likely to develop bedsores. Nursing home staff must keep all residents in a proper state of hygiene and they must offer the level of attention and care that a patient requires.

If there is a failure to report the development of bedsores or to treat this dangerous condition immediately, this is a sign of nursing home abuse. This condition can worsen quickly, and eventually lead to death in the worst cases. Call our firm for information about what to do if your loved one has developed painful bedsores while under the care of a nursing home. It may be necessary to file a lawsuit against the negligent facility. The legal action taken against a negligent nursing home will be filed in civil court. Compensation paid may be negotiated prior to trial, based upon the response of the lawyers representing the nursing home. Attorney Joel Bryant is a powerful advocate for the elderly, and is committed to holding negligent nursing homes accountable for the pain and suffering that the elderly experience when a victim of negligent medical care resulting in bedsores.

Contact our firm today for immediate assistance in cases of bedsores developed by an elderly relative in a nursing home.

“Joel and his team were the help I needed to approach the nursing home that didn't take good care of my grandmother. She was compensated for the injuries she suffered as a result from their abuse.”

Andrea C.

“When on of the most tragic events happened in my life, Joel and Jason were there for me when I needed someone the most. They both were very professionaal, honest, compassionate, and supportive.”

Brent R.

“Joel was amazingly accessible, by phone, email and often, in person, and still is. He is a professional with an understanding heart, and a sense of humor. I still feel very fortunate to have him on my side.”

Michelle B.
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