Legal Help For
Elder Abuse Victims

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Lack of Proper Care

Is your loved one the victim of negligent care?

Our loved ones are placed in the care of a professional facility, often due to a need for skilled nursing care, monitoring of medical conditions, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or another condition that is beyond of the scope of what the family can provide. When we entrust our loved ones into a care facility, the expectation is that he or she will be cared for properly, with health and nutrition and medical needs carefully monitored. Sadly, many nursing homes are badly understaffed, or have staff that are inadequately trained, or in the worst cases, hire a staff member who preys upon those in a fragile state and take advantage of their poor health, lack of cognitive abilities or condition and engage in physical, emotional or financial abuse.

A large number of nursing home neglect cases are based upon a lack of proper care. The consequences to a loved one can be very serious, including falls, malnutrition, dehydration, overmedication, and a host of other grievous conditions and injuries such as bedsores. If your loved one has suffered the consequences of a lack of proper care in a nursing home in Riverside, contact Attorney Joel Bryant at once. As a respected legal professional who advocates for elderly victims of a lack of proper care in nursing homes, he is prepared to evaluate your case and advise you of the best course of legal action to take against the facility or other liable party. As one of the most highly-rated lawyers in the area that is focused upon nursing home abuse, you can be confident that your case will be given the full focus and attention of our firm and its staff, and that a fair resolution will be sought.

What is Standard Care?

There are specific levels of care that are the standard to which all nursing homes are held, both at the state and federal levels. Residents must receive proper nutrition, medical care and monitoring of serious conditions, the correct amount and administration of various medications, as well as supervision to protect from incidents such as falls or wandering. It can be a shock to discover that your loved one has been injured, has become ill, or suffered from malnutrition or dehydration due to a lack of proper care.

The most common reason a nursing home resident will suffer an adverse event is the lack of staff to care for patients adequately. Nursing home residents can be left dirty and unkempt, with diapers unchanged for many hours, leading to other conditions that are dangerous to the health and wellbeing of the person. A lack of proper care can lead to bedsores which can advance to such a dangerous level that the person develops gangrenous tissue that may require amputation. When in frail or failing health, a person may be unable to survive such an invasive operation.

As many residents of nursing homes are on Medicare, the federal government is involved in establishing standards of care for nursing home residents. These matters are of great concern, as many residents, when not cared for properly, have serious adverse events requiring hospitalization. Of these events, more than half were preventable had the resident had proper care.

If your loved one has suffered an injury, condition, was hospitalized for a serious condition or died due to lack of proper care, connect with our firm at once for help. Our elderly loved ones were productive members of society. They worked, raised families and remain an important part of our lives. They must be treated with compassion and respect, and they deserve a proper level of care.

Deficiencies in the proper level of care in nursing homes have been on the rise, causing great concern to legislators both at the state and federal levels. The growing population of elderly persons has led to a growing need for care facilities. Unfortunately, in some cases, the facility is focused on its profits rather than the care of residents, and substandard care is allowed to occur. Shocking levels of negligent care have been found to have taken place in many nursing homes. If your relative has been a victim of the lack of proper care, it is important that you take legal action against the facility and seek justice and full compensation for all damages. Our firm can help, and we stand ready to advocate on your behalf.

“Joel and his team were the help I needed to approach the nursing home that didn't take good care of my grandmother. She was compensated for the injuries she suffered as a result from their abuse.”

Andrea C.

“When on of the most tragic events happened in my life, Joel and Jason were there for me when I needed someone the most. They both were very professionaal, honest, compassionate, and supportive.”

Brent R.

“Joel was amazingly accessible, by phone, email and often, in person, and still is. He is a professional with an understanding heart, and a sense of humor. I still feel very fortunate to have him on my side.”

Michelle B.
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