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Elder Abuse Victims

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Physical Abuse

Physical Abuse in Nursing Homes in Riverside, CA

Cases of physical abuse in nursing homes are not uncommon. Physical abuse occurs when a resident is subjected to an intentional use of force that leads to bodily injuries or pain. Such actions inflicted upon an elderly resident can include slapping, punching, kicking, shaking or beating. Our elderly relatives are usually in fragile health when placed in a nursing home, and physical abuse is not only frightening and painful, it can lead to serious injuries or death. Unexplained cuts, bruises, wounds or broken bones may be attributed to a fall, but in many cases the real situation has been hidden and the injuries were directly caused by a member of the nursing home staff. These criminal individuals take advantage of their position of power over an elderly person and abuse them. As a family member, you must be alert to any signs of physical abuse. These include the following:

  • Bruises
  • Cuts
  • Wounds
  • Scratches
  • Broken bones
  • Bites
  • Marks on face due to slapping
  • Bruising from restraints
  • Choking from force-feeding
  • Over-medication (groggy, sleepy, unresponsive)

Physical abuse of a patient in a nursing home is a criminal act. Those who engage in these acts, like other criminals, take action to hide what they do. Your loved one may have been threatened with further injuries if he or she speaks up. Be aware that your loved one may be a victim if he or she is fearful, is never allowed to be alone with you, or exhibits unexplained physical injuries such as bruises, cuts, open wounds, or restraint scars.

This type of assault can be passed over with various explanations, but you, as a family member must be aware that incidences of physical abuse happen in senior care facilities far more often than you may imagine, and that your loved one may be afraid to tell you for fear of repercussions. Some elderly persons are suffering from dementia and are unable to communicate what is occurring. If your loved one flinches away from you when you come near, or acts fearful, withdrawn or depressed, and has injuries, you are right to suspect that physical abuse has taken place.

Look for the following signs of physical abuse:

  • Black eyes
  • Welts
  • Lacerations
  • Rope or restraint marks
  • Fractures
  • Head injuries
  • Sprains
  • Dislocations
  • Internal injuries, internal bleeding
  • Medication overdoses
  • Broken glasses
  • Sudden changes in behavior

Any act of physical abuse inflicted upon an elderly person demands that legal action is undertaken. The injuries must be reported to law enforcement as well as Adult Protective Services in Riverside County. There are criminals that are working in nursing homes. These people can inflict terrible physical and emotional damage to an elderly resident, and often get away with this behavior by moving from facility to facility. These people, and the facilities that hire them, must be held accountable, and justice served. At our firm, the entire staff is focused upon seeking justice for the elderly who have been victimized while in a nursing home. Call our office today to speak with a professional who will assist you in taking legal action and seeking fair compensation. Act quickly if your loved one has been the victim of physical abuse. There are likely many victims that are suffering, and your actions could save lives.

“Joel and his team were the help I needed to approach the nursing home that didn't take good care of my grandmother. She was compensated for the injuries she suffered as a result from their abuse.”

Andrea C.

“When on of the most tragic events happened in my life, Joel and Jason were there for me when I needed someone the most. They both were very professionaal, honest, compassionate, and supportive.”

Brent R.

“Joel was amazingly accessible, by phone, email and often, in person, and still is. He is a professional with an understanding heart, and a sense of humor. I still feel very fortunate to have him on my side.”

Michelle B.
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