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Elder Abuse Victims

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Signs of Elder Abuse

Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Riverside, CA

In recent years, the number of nursing home abuse cases reported in the U.S. has risen to a shocking level. Your loved one may be among the unfortunate growing number of elders subjected to nursing home abuse or neglect. Attorney Joel Bryant is recognized as one of the leading nursing home abuse lawyers serving the San Diego and all Riverside County communities. He has an exceptional level of experience in elder abuse litigation in both civil and probate courts and is the recipient of several awards and honors, including the highest possible rating, AV Preeminent® from Martindale-Hubbell®, the President’s Award for Excellence, and the Outstanding Trial Lawyer Award.

It is important that you remain aware of the signs of potential elder abuse so you can protect your loved one from becoming the victim of an abusive caregiver, whether physical, emotional or financial, or from suffering injury, illness or a condition from any form of neglect. The signs of elder abuse that demand an immediate investigation include:

Bruising on arms and legs from restraints

The California DOJ reports that the elderly in our state are two times more likely to be placed in restraints than in nursing homes elsewhere. This practice is cruel and may be used by a facility in place of proper attention and care. Improper use of restraints is an act of abuse. Look for bruising at the wrists and ankles.

Falls and Fractures

A resident that has fallen while under the care of a nursing home may be a victim of neglect. The elderly are far more likely to fall, and must be carefully tended to when moving around the facility. A fall can lead to death, broken bones and other serious health consequences that are difficult to treat due to the age of the victim.

Genital infections and Diseases

If your relative has contracted a genital infection or disease, this could be the result of sexual abuse. It may be difficult to imagine that such abuse takes place, but unfortunately statistics indicate that this problem is widespread. Sexual abuse is most commonly committed against elderly persons with diminished capacity who would be unable to report the offense to a relative or the authorities.


An elderly relative that has very dry, flaky skin may be suffering from dehydration. If a resident is unable to consume enough liquids, a physician should have made arrangements for the individual to become rehydrated with IV liquids.


The signs and symptoms of malnutrition include unexplained weight loss, physical weakness, lack of energy, delayed healing of wounds, and emotional problems such as depression.


If your relative has unexplained wounds it may be a sign that the person has been a victim of physical abuse. Wounds that do not heal can be a source of serious infections and life-threatening diseases.


Neglect of an elderly person in a nursing home can lead to bedsores, which are very difficult to treat, can lead to further dangerous complications, and are extremely dangerous to the health and survival of your loved one. An incapacitated elderly person who is bedridden must be frequently turned as continued pressure on one part of the body can lead to bedsores. A facility should have special beds provided for these patients that allow for a more even distribution of weight to assist in preventing bedsores.


If your relative has unexplained cuts or wounds, it is possible that a caregiver in the facility has engaged in physical abuse.

Financial Abuse

If there have been large unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts, stolen cash, jewelry, illegal use of credit cards, forged signatures or a new will that benefits a caregiver, it is necessary to investigate the situation and discover whether undue influence or illegal acts have been taken by nursing home personnel or a caregiver serving in the home.

Emotional Abuse

The signs of emotional abuse can be noted in cases in which a relative becomes extremely withdrawn, is depressed, cries often, appears fearful, flinches excessively, becomes uncharacteristically uncommunicative, or is not allowed to share time with you without a caregiver present. The types of abuse can include humiliation, yelling, ridicule, threats, blaming and similar forms of abusive verbal behavior.

Contact our firm immediately if you suspect your relative has been abused and you have observed any of the signs of elder abuse.

“Joel and his team were the help I needed to approach the nursing home that didn't take good care of my grandmother. She was compensated for the injuries she suffered as a result from their abuse.”

Andrea C.

“When on of the most tragic events happened in my life, Joel and Jason were there for me when I needed someone the most. They both were very professionaal, honest, compassionate, and supportive.”

Brent R.

“Joel was amazingly accessible, by phone, email and often, in person, and still is. He is a professional with an understanding heart, and a sense of humor. I still feel very fortunate to have him on my side.”

Michelle B.
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